When I was 19 I received my prayer language. This was a long time ago and there have been long seasons where I haven’t used it and long seasons where I’ve prayed in tongues regularly
Consistent, daily praying in the Spirit is like dynamite in your relationship with God. It’s explosive, but you have to do it regularly to reap the rewards.
What are some benefits of praying in tongues?
- Building Up Spirit Man – 1 Cor. 14:4
- Declares Mysteries of God – 1 Cor. 14:2
- Increased Intimacy & Communion – 1 Cor. 14:14
- Helps in intercession – Rom. 8:26
- Glorifies God – Act. 10:46
- Helps in spiritual warfare – Eph. 6:18
- Releases a supernatural peace and rest in the believer’s spirit – 1 Cor. 14:14-15
The benefits of praying in the Spirit are numerous. It is a powerful and significant way to draw closer to God and connect with His will for our lives.
Building Up Spirit Man: Our Spirits Grow Stronger
Praying in the Spirit makes our hearts more focused on the things of the Spirit. Sometimes we may not feel any immediate effects. It can take time; sort of like building muscle mass. Other times, the Holy Spirit can crash into our lives suddenly, like a damn breaking.
However, you start out in your journey being patient and know that God knows you, loves you, and see’s you. His plan for your life is perfect, your part is to say yes and cooperate with it.
It’s like taking a vitamin every day. We may not feel the effects of taking the vitamin immediately, the next week, or even the next month–but consistently taking the correct type of vitamins produces a benefit to us–that we can often notice–over time.
Stick with it for months, years, and decades, and you’ll have a mighty strong spirit! You will know the things of God and walk with Him, and in the fruit of the Spirit in an increased way.
Hi, I'm Andrew. I hope you're finding insight and inspiration from this post.
Serving in Kansas City as an Intercessory Missionary, my goal is to share knowledge and perspectives that deepen your relationship with God.
Your support, whether a one-time donation or monthly partnership, helps keep me going as an Intercessory Missionary.
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The Holy Spirit is our guide into the deep mysteries of God. As we pray with our spirits, we receive a portion of His divine wisdom and understanding.
The feelings come and go in the different seasons of our lives. Instead, know that your prayers are really being heard by God (and angels) and that the Spirit works within you as you pray.
Regular praying in tongues will unlock a stronger connection with God and deepen your understanding of His character and will.
Declares Mysteries of God
Praying in tongues is a way to build up our spirit-man and a powerful tool to access hidden truths and divine revelations.
1 Corinthians 14:2 says, “For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God…he utters mysteries in the Spirit.”
The Spirit of wisdom and revelation is released when we pray in tongues. Our minds are illuminated to understand things that would otherwise be hidden, enabling us to tap into the mind of Christ and understand things that our natural minds could never comprehend. Therefore, you should pray in tongues regularly and watch as hidden truths and revelations are unveiled to you; about your own life, the Word of God, and the people/cities/nations you are called to minister to and intercede for.
Increased Intimacy & Communion
Another significant benefit of praying in tongues is the increased intimacy and communion with God that it can create.
When we speak to God in tongues it’s not on an earthly level; it’s on a spiritual one. Almost as if our minds are set aside and allowed to grasp something new; unexplainable but real! That’s exactly what 1 Corinthians 14:14 tells us – that even when our thoughts can’t comprehend His presence, He is still listening through the language of our spirits.
Our hearts become more alive and sensitive to God’s presence and the voice of the Holy Spirit. It allows the Holy Spirit to pray through and for us in a language that surpasses human understanding.
Our hearts are opened to deeper intimacy and communion with Jesus. Father. Let’s embrace this gift of praying in tongues and go deeper with God; let’s go after breakthroughs in our hearts, minds, and life situations.
Helps in intercession: The Spirit Prays What We Can’t
Another benefit of praying in tongues is that it helps us in intercession. As Romans 8:26 says, “Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
When we pray in tongues, the Spirit of God is praying through us, interceding for us and others by God’s perfect will.
Sometimes we don’t know what to pray, are distracted, not feeling spiritual, etc. Praying in the Spirit is an act of faith, not something we feel (though we can feel it’s effects sometimes). It’s great to have access to the very prayers of Jesus. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are in perfect unity. It’s their prayers we pray.
Thank God for this! I often don’t know how to pray, so I start out in tongues. usually, 20-30 minutes in the Holy Spirit will direct my mind to things to pray for; in my own life and other people/situations. Praying in tongues is like a jumpstart for me.
Hi, I'm Andrew. I hope you're finding insight and inspiration from this post.
Serving in Kansas City as an Intercessory Missionary, my goal is to share knowledge and perspectives that deepen your relationship with God.
Your support, whether a one-time donation or monthly partnership, helps keep me going as an Intercessory Missionary.
Click Here to Donate
Discover my journey and mission on my About page.
Praying according to God’s will releases the prayers and power to align us more with His plan for our lives. Things can change in our lives suddenly sometimes, and we need to be open to the leading of the Spirit and allow Him to pray through us.
Glorifies God & Giving Thanks
Another significant benefit of praying in tongues is that it declares the glory of God and is a way to enter into praise and thanksgiving.
In Acts 10:46, we see that when the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit, “they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God.”
Praying in tongues magnifies and praises God; as we do so, it creates an atmosphere for God to inhabit the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).
It’s a way of expressing our love, gratitude, and adoration for God in a language that transcends human understanding.
When we pray in tongues, we focus entirely on God. We are exalting Him in a way we could never do with our natural language.
Helps in spiritual warfare
Praying in tongues is listed as a necessary spiritual weapon in Ephesians 6.
Though it may appear to be people and circumstances threatening to cause harm to our lives, there is something more hidden at play.
Spiritual forces of wickedness in the spiritual realm; demonic rulers, princes, and evil spirits. They attempt to get us off course and control us by getting us to believe their lies.
Thankfully God has provided Tongues as an avenue of strength against these forces! Armed with faith through “praying in the Spirit,” We have access to His power that cuts through all the spiritual crap the enemy throws at us.
Ephesians 6:18 encourages us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions…
Ephesians 6 is a well-known chapter when it comes to spiritual warfare. It lists the armor of God, what they are, and commands us to stand against the schemes of the evil one with our spiritual armor on.
Ephesians 6 is not just about armor. It’s about offensive weapons.
We are commanded to pray in the Spirit at all times. Therefore, we use our prayer language alongside our prayers with our understanding, the Sword of the Spirit (Word), and the shield of faith.
Praying in the Spirit is an offensive weapon against the powers of darkness.
Praying in the Spirit is a powerful way to communicate with God and wage war in the spirit realm. When we open ourselves up and pray under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are tapping into an invisible power.
By allowing Him to intercede on our behalf, with groaning too deep for words, and pray through us, you better believe God is moving angels and demons on behalf of your prayers. Things are changing in the spirit realm whether you see, feel, perceive, or NOT!
Tongues Release Supernatural Peace & Rest in the Believer’s Spirit
Speaking in tongues is a powerful way to tap into the peace and rest that the Holy Spirit provides. It gives us access to the depths of our spirit and helps unlock gifts that can fuel unity and faith.
Speaking in tongues has a real, tangible effect on both believers and their surroundings — it grants us the clarity that we need to access the supernatural peace and rest stored up for us in Christ (Romans 8:6).
As believers, accessing this peace can help quell anxiety and fear, ushering in a much-needed sense of calm (Philippians 4:7). Everyone should try speaking in tongues at least once; ask God for this. It’s truly from Jesus and aids us in further conforming to His image.
The Mystery of Praying in the Spirit
Speaking mysteries is not about receiving “special truths” available to only a few but instead receiving subtle impressions from the Lord. The Holy Spirit may show us practical issues in which He wants to minister to us or through us.
In 1 Corinthians 14:2, Paul writes, “For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.“
Praying in the Spirit Releases the Spirit of Wisdom & Revelation
The mysteries of God are revealed to us through the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Oftentimes they come in small forms, like subtle impressions in our minds and emotions. Other times they come more powerfully with insight into God’s Word, our individual hearts, and other people/situations.
In Ephesians 1:17-18, Paul writes, “..remembering you in my prayers…that….the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,”
This verse highlights the importance of praying in the Spirit because it increases the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. When we pray in the Spirit, we tap into God’s Light, showing us how things are.
The mysteries of God are revealed to us, and our spiritual eyes are enlightened to see the hope we have in Christ and the hidden treasures in darkness. Praying in tongues expedites this. Especially when combined with a meditation on scripture, fasting, and other Christian spiritual disciplines.
It releases Light that causes us to see things clearly.
Praying in the Spirit Releases the Glory of Christ Within:
Speaking in tongues releases Light and glory from within us. In Colossians 1:27, Paul writes, “To them, God has chosen to make known…the glorious riches of this mystery..Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
There is glory inside every true disciple of Jesus! The Holy Spirit has sealed us, the very Spirit of Jesus.
Praying in tongues regularly releases the Light and glory of Christ within us. The Light of Christ illuminates the hidden treasures in darkness. It causes us to begin to understand the ways of God, big revelations or small ones.
In conclusion, praying in the Spirit is a mystery only the Holy Spirit can reveal, so start by asking for your prayer language if you don’t have it yet. Then, start practicing and using it if you have one–unlock the mystery of Christ in us, the hope of glory (our hope and our glory in God).
Praying in the Spirit Blesses & Praises God
Praying in the Spirit blesses and praises God uniquely and powerfully. This kind of prayer differs from our usual prayers, where we rely on our understanding and articulate our needs and desires.
Speaking in tongues is a direct communication between God and us. It allows us to pray beyond our limitations and express ourselves in a language only God can understand.
When we pray in the Spirit, we praise God with our spirit.
1 Corinthians 14:15 says, “So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding.”
Praying in the Spirit allows us to connect with God deeper and helps us focus on Him alone. When we pray in the Spirit, we are not distracted by our thoughts or emotions. Instead, we are fully engaged in praising and worshipping God.
Praying in the Spirit blesses God. It is a way of showing our love and devotion to Him. In Ephesians
5:18-20, it says, “And do not get drunk with wine, …be filled with the Spirit..singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks…to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
When filled with the Spirit, we are moved to praise God and give thanks to Him in all circumstances with our natural understanding and prayer language.
What happens when we pray in tongues?
When we pray in tongues, we speak mysteries to God that our natural minds cannot comprehend. We pray the perfect will of God as the Holy Spirit intercedes with groanings too deep for words. When we pray, God hears and answers. Things shift. Circumstances change. Angels are released. Demons flee.
Praying in tongues is not just gibberish or a show of spirituality but a powerful tool God designed for us to use in our relationship with Him.
Praying in tongues allows us to pray for the perfect will of God.
We usually do not know God’s perfect will. Though, sometimes, he does speak parts of it to us. Our natural understanding is limited in how far it can go in prayer unless directed by the Holy Spirit to pray for specific things.
When we don’t know what to pray for or sense Holy Spirit’s leading, we have access to God’s perfect will, which is hidden from us through this gift of praying in tongues.
I wonder why he hid his will from us this way. There has to be a reason. Maybe that’s a prayer thought for this week. Something to think about. There is something to God not wanting us to know what we are speaking unless given the interpretations by the Holy Spirit. God’s wisdom is on display in this.
Secondly, our tongues may even instruct angels, and they listen attentively. We know that in Daniel 10, God heard the prayer. He prayed with understanding and sent a Word with an angelic messenger. Why would our prayers in tongues be any different?
As we can see, there are many benefits to praying in tongues. By building up our spirit, man, we are better equipped to handle the things of God and can declare the Word of God with boldness. Our faith is strengthened as we commune with God on a deeper level, and He reveals His heart to us.
Praying in tongues also helps us to intercede for others more effectively, glorifies God, and is an offensive weapon in spiritual warfare.
Are you taking advantage of this powerful tool? What benefits have you experienced as you have prayed in tongues?