When I encounter Jesus and the Holy Spirit personally, it’s like being embraced in the arms of love. I feel something deep within me awaken, as if I’ve been touched by something larger than myself. There are various ways the Holy Spirit has ministered to me, and a power somewhat like electricity would describe one of those ways.
Have you ever had that Holy Spirit electricity feeling?
The Holy Spirit is alive and on the earth today. God will encounter us regularly as we grow in prayer and obedience to His word and invite the Holy Spirit into our lives. Although not all encounters are physical sensations like electricity or glory, it’s a blessing when they happen.
The Work of the Spirit
Following Christ and keeping our eyes on Jesus, working out our salvation with fear and trembling, and growing in love for others by being transformed into the image of Christ and sanctified through the Holy Spirit–this is what’s important–and any spiritual experience we have with the Holy Spirit Will produce fruit in our lives and lead to these things.
The Holy Spirit is active in our sanctification and transformation into the image of Christ. He guides us, comforts us, speaks truth to us, and helps us discern the will of God. The Holy Spirit is known as the Comforter and the Spirit of Truth because He only speaks what He hears from the Father.
Dynamo Power of Holy Spirit
On the day of Pentecost, the power of the Holy Spirit remarkably descended upon the disciples. According to Scripture, they were baptized in the Spirit, and tongues of fire appeared; there was a great rushing wind, and some even laughed uncontrollably, causing onlookers to think they were drunk (Acts 2:1-13).
The greek word for the Holy Spirit is “pneuma,” which can be translated as ‘breath’ or ‘wind.’ and the Greek word for the power Jesus described would come upon us is “dynamo,” which means ‘power.’
Hi, I'm Andrew. I hope you're finding insight and inspiration from this post.
Serving in Kansas City as an Intercessory Missionary, my goal is to share knowledge and perspectives that deepen your relationship with God.
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When we look through the pages of Scripture, it’s clear that God is powerful, and His glory is Holy like no other.
Throughout the Old Testament, we see accounts of priests being unable to minister because of the overwhelming presence of God (e.g., Exodus 19:21-24). And in Daniel 10:7-9, we read about an angel coming to Daniel with a message from the Lord. When Daniel saw the angel, he was so filled with terror and fear that he had no strength. Yet the messenger strengthened him with these words: “Fear not, peace be unto thee, be strong yea, be strong.”
The power of God also manifested itself when the early church was gathered together in prayer at Pentecost (Acts 2:2-4). The room shook and filled up with a violent wind from Heaven.
This same power is at work today—the dynamo power of the Holy Spirit, which gives us access to all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). This same power provides us with supernatural strength when our own strength fails (Isaiah 40:28-29).
May we never forget His amazing Grace!
The Throne Room in Heaven
The Bible paints a vivid picture of the throne room in Heaven—with flashes of lightning, peals of thunder, and seven fires that burn and the sea of glass (Revelation 4:5). Here, we witness an awe-inspiring display of God’s holiness and greatness.
The four living creatures proclaim without ceasing: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.”
(Revelation 4:8). Their chants are joined by myriads of angels singing praises to their Creator (Isaiah 6:3).
This scene can instill a sense of smallness compared to our almighty God. Yet it can also be a source of hope and strength when we recognize that all glory belongs to Him.
The Power of God Like Electricity
No other force on earth rivals that of God’s Spirit – it’s like electricity – illuminating our souls and electrifying our faith! We should be open to His majestic power and be available to the fact that he wants to use us to preach the gospel, heal the sick, feed the poor, and even raise the dead.
The power of the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to do all these things. He endows us with boldness, courage, and humility to walk in His ways. As we yield to Him and become more obedient, our spiritual connection with the Father will be strengthened, and He will pour out his Spirit upon us.
Ministry & The Baptism of The Holy Spirit – How It Empowers Believers for Service
The baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to serve in their local churches, ministries, and communities. When an individual is baptized in the Holy Spirit, they receive a fresh anointing from God that enables them to fulfill their God-given calling with increased power and boldness.
For some people, it’s a dramatic experience. They pray in tongues, the power of God like electricity rushes through them, and some people shake. For others, it’s a less noticeable experience but just as real.
Those who have dramatic encounters with God are not more spiritual than those who don’t. There are gifts, and some people have just built up their Spirit in a way where it’s more natural. Maybe it’s even how they are wired. I don’t know how it works.
Hi, I'm Andrew. I hope you're finding insight and inspiration from this post.
Serving in Kansas City as an Intercessory Missionary, my goal is to share knowledge and perspectives that deepen your relationship with God.
Your support, whether a one-time donation or monthly partnership, helps keep me going as an Intercessory Missionary.
Click Here to Donate
Discover my journey and mission on my About page.
The Holy Spirit can illuminate our minds, and we can experience him in ways that are not like electricity or power.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an important step in a believer’s spiritual journey, as it provides them with God’s empowering presence that enables them to serve more effectively and courageously.
This experience can be either dramatic or subtle. Still, its purpose remains the same: to help believers fulfill their God-given calling by equipping them with increased power and boldness.
Through this baptism, individuals can access supernatural gifts from God, which makes them more effective in ministry and outreach efforts. In addition, they become better equipped to spread the Gospel message through their local churches, ministries, and communities as they receive these gifts.
Tangible Encounters with The Anointing – Realizing the Power of God in Our Lives
Tangible encounters with the presence of God and His anointing are available to all believers. He marks us with Himself. A decisive meeting that is unique to each one of us. He sees us individually, unique, and each, unlike any other person that’s ever lived.
As we devote ourselves to prayer and Scripture, God imparts the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. This is the same knowledge of God that the four living creatures gaze into day and night. When they proclaim holy, holy all of Heaven, everyone in the throne room bows down.
He Loves to Give Good Gifts
These encounters mark us for the rest of our lives. They give us the courage and the strength to press through the desert into the promised land. They sustain us until we find ourselves as dry and thirsty as if in a desert again.
Each new thing God does with us gives us the strength to carry us through until the subsequent encounter. Significant encounters usually mean you’ll be going through some hardships. God gives these big moments to us so we will hold on to Him in times of trouble and remember. We are pretty forgetful; even the Israelites were told to do things to remember what God had done.
Remember What God Has Done For You
God commanded the Israelites to do many things so they would remember the great things God had done for them. Therefore, they kept special days of remembrance like annual festivals, offered sacrifices, and wrote stories of what they experienced in their journey with God.
These practices were established so the Israelites would constantly be reminded of what God had done for them and not forget the power of his presence in their lives. So, likewise, we can remember and not forget our encounters with God by reflecting on our past seasons with God—the miracles he did for us way back in the beginning.
Through His Presence, We Become Ourselves, Stripped of All Else
As we allow ourselves to be vulnerable before God’s presence, He guides us through moments of tremendous spiritual growth. He transforms us in the image of Christ. As a result, we become more aware of who we are as individuals and who we are corporately in the body of Christ.
We come into greater alignment with His purpose for us. We start to recognize and understand how our unique gifts can benefit others around us while being open-minded enough to receive guidance from Him on how best to use them.
This level of intimacy with God allows us to discover more about ourselves and learn how to live in greater harmony with those around us, living out his truth daily by loving others unconditionally as Jesus did.
Ultimately, this process of yielding ourselves completely into the arms of Christ is a beautiful one that brings forth unimaginable joy and peace into the deepest areas of our hearts and minds!
Praying for Others as A Conduit for His Power – Experiencing The Electricity as Divine Love Flows Through Us Into Others
Praying for others can be a powerful and transformative experience. As we pray before our heavenly Father, we are reminded of His unconditional love and presence in our lives.
When we pray for those around us, we can sometimes feel an electric current of divine power flowing through us into the person or situation we are praying for. This Holy Spirit’s electricity feeling is like an electrical current that bridges Heaven and earth, allowing God’s power to cross over into the lives of those that need Him most.
By interceding on behalf of another, we have the unique opportunity to tap into God’s love and kindness. In prayer, we align our hearts with God’s heart, allowing Him to work through us as spiritual conduits to bring healing, hope, and wholeness where it is needed most.
When praying for another person or situation, it is important to remember that God is already present in their life – and He already knows what they need before you even ask him for it. As such, prayer invites God’s power to move in more tangible ways.
When we pray for others, there is an incomparable feeling of peace and joy that comes along with it. We are reminded that no matter the circumstances, there is still hope in Jesus Christ – who died so that all may have life abundantly! Rolling out a carpet of prayers can open doors to life-changing encounters for people; it puts us in touch with our Father and helps us understand how much He desires good things for His people. Praying for those around us can be a sacred act of faithfulness, which honors the Lord and demonstrates His goodness towards all mankind!
Electricity Went Through Me – My Personal Experience Praying For a Student at Age 19
I was 19 years old and a youth leader at the time. I had been chosen to pray for one of the students at the end of the service. The students were lined up in front of the altar, and all the leaders were praying for them one by one.
Finally, it was my turn to pray for someone, and I was joined by my friend. As we prayed, I felt a surge of power and electricity pass through me into him, and he fell backward.
I was taken off guard by this unexpected influx of power; it felt like an electric shock running through my body and out into him. I tried to keep my balance as he fell but couldn’t help but stagger back slightly; it left me feeling awe-struck.
We spent a few moments discussing together what had occurred, everyone still reeling from the palpable presence of God’s power that had been so clearly evident in our midst.
It has since become a story shared amongst us whenever we reflect on our time as youth leaders, as it’s hard to forget such an electrifying moment! Even today, when I remember it, I’m filled with gratitude.
My Encounter With an Angel During Prayer at Age 19 in Assemblies Of God Church in Florida
When I was 19, in the back of an Assemblies of God church in Florida, I was an usher standing in the church’s very back while we were praying before the offering. I was standing next to an older man who was also ushering.
During the corporate prayer for the offering, I closed my eyes. I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to pray for him, without him knowing, as we held hands during the prayer.
I don’t even remember what it was for, but I felt power and electricity go through me through my left arm and hand into his body.
I saw my first ever angel when I opened my eyes after that prayer. Still, the experience only lasted a fraction of a second–like lightning. I saw it move from the back where I was down to the pastor in the blink of an eye. Then, when the angel flashed towards him started to prophesy. I opened my eyes and saw the angel within a split second. Prophesy wasn’t a common thing during our services back then.
It was cool for God to let me see that an angel brought the prophetic word.
The Man I Prayed For Got Healed That Very Sunday!
The next Sunday, that man I prayed for silently and his wife testified that he was healed of something very serious that same Sunday I prayed for him. It was so long ago that I don’t remember what, but it was like cancer or something just as serious.
Holy Spirit Tingling Sensation On The Top Of My Head
After I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at 19, I was very sensitive to the Holy Spirit–and also very hungry for God. So I’d get a tingling sensation on the top of my head. Sometimes it would feel like pressure. At first, it was always during a church service, especially worship. Then, it’s like it would happen in the anointing.
Well, I’m 38 now and have grown a lot. I now understand it to be part of the gift of discerning of spirits God has given me, which also sheds light on why I recognized the presence of an angel moments before my pastor prophesied.
I’ve had too many various types of experiences and encounters since then–to share on a single blog–but that initial tingling and awareness of God–grew into a very powerful ability to feel God, discern angels, and, unfortunately, feel and discern demons as well. It’s not a nice thing to experience when it happens.
In a future post, I’ll get more into the gift of discernment and the strange Holy Spirit tingling sensation on my head.
Holy Spirit Draw Us To Jesus & Fills Us With Power
The work of the Holy Spirit makes us aware of our need for salvation and draws us to Jesus. The power of God is like electricity; it is there, but we have to plug into it. We do this by being baptized in the Holy Spirit and by praying in tongues regularly.
This doesn’t always happen with a dramatic experience, but if you ask God for it, He will give it to you. When we are filled with the Dynamo Power of His Holy Spirit, we can tap into resources far beyond our natural abilities.
These include the angelic army that stands ready to do battle on our behalf (Daniel 10:13), “the Treasury of Heaven (Matthew 6:19-21), and most important, direct access into the immediate presence of Almighty God Himself in His throne room because of Jesus’ blood and intercession for us to the Father (Hebrews 4:14-16).
Do you have any stories about how God has used these things in your life? Leave a comment below and share your story!